Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Local Exploration: scratching a travel itch

In a recent article published by USA Today Traveler, author Jessica Festa highlights how one can and should capitalize on those allusive days of paid vacation. As we know, getting away is much easier said than done. As the piece blatantly states, in 2014 over 40% of us didn't.

In my first official year of a "big girl" job I have quickly recognized the challenges of planning, packing up and jet setting to a new destination. Not only is there very little time, there's little wiggle room in my life to frivolously travel. "Yolo" doesn't fit anymore. Between building my career and bank account, it's hard to find the ultimate balance of wanderlust and work.

So what are we do to? Lead a life without roving and play? Of course not. I stick on a band-aid,  scratching the travel itch. What's my solution? Keep the explorations local.  If we're friends, you know that I truly do pride myself on staying in the loop. If there is a great cocktail bar opening, I want to be the first to try it. If there's an interesting gallery exhibit, I'm on the RSVP list. And don't get me started on the wilderness I proudly call my backyard. Between hiking, biking and the other outdoor sports I have yet to pursue, I could probably spend the next five years compiling my weekends with staycations. These passions for my city and state really fulfill my urge to roam.

Not sure where to get started on your nearby retreat? Challenge yourself.  Visit an exhibit or festival, even if you have to tackle it alone. Decide which dive bar in town is your dive bar. Find your absolute favorite burger and don't let anyone tell you that Cherry Cricket's is better. Try a new activity, like fishing. Even if you are terrible at the sport, you can at least catch a buzz. The options are endless and you won't have to pack a bag.

Happy trails, local travelers! And best of luck finding your new favorite gem.

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